If you run a business that delivers property digitally, you need to be aware of a change in the sales tax code effective 1/1/10. NC now charges sales tax on the download or electronic delivery of software, photos, periodicals, and much more. Check out this press release for more information.

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NC Refund Status

Posted by Andy 0 comments
The State of NC had a cash crunch last year when people were filing and requesting refunds. The payments were slow but steady. This year the state seems to be falling into this same scenario due to the slowing economy and tightened budget. So my advice to you, file ASAP and be patient with the state.

Here is the site to check on the state of you NC refund once you have filed.
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The courts have ruled against the IRS and allowed a deduction for a sex reassignment operation. While the IRS said this was elective and not medically necessary, the courts said it was necessary based on the psychiatric necessity for the person's mental health. So the take home lesson here is to make sure you have a doctor's order or prescription on file before you take a medical deduction on your tax return.

"O’Donnabhain’s lawyers argued that because gender-identity disorder is a recognized mental disorder that is generally treated with hormones and surgery, the costs are legitimate medical deductions."

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The content on this blog (www.acollinscpa.blogspot.com) is my personal opinion based on my study and understanding of tax laws, policies and regulations. It’s provided for your private, noncommercial, educational and informational purposes only. It’s not a recommendation or endorsement of any company or product. It should not be relied upon as specific tax advice for your personal situation. I strongly suggest that when it comes to filing your taxes, you get additional, professional guidance from individuals who are familiar with your specific circumstances. Those who choose to rely solely upon the information on this site do so at their own risk and peril, and cannot hold the author liable in any form or fashion.

IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT: IRS Circular 230 requires us to notify you that any tax advice contained in this communication is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed by law.